Friday, July 2, 2010

Update About Trip

I was just informed today that due to the testing schedule of the students in Raineh, we will not be staying with a host home. Rather, we will be staying at St. Margaret Guest Housing in Nazareth for those three days. I am bummed that we will not be staying with an Israeli family, but happy it is more comfortable after the long flight over. I think it would be very fun to experience life in a different culture by living with people. Although this is not a bad thing at all...because we are in such a major city such as Nazareth we will be able to explore much more. I am told as well that this new place we are staying overlooks the old city of Nazareth. I can't wait for that!

During the time we arrive, the Diocese of Jerusalem is ending a youth camp (I'm assuming this is similar to HYC weekends we have in Washington). This may give us more of an opportunity to see youth doing youth stuff.

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